How to Clean a Ping Pong Paddle (Step by Step Guide)

Whether you’re a casual table tennis enthusiast or an aspiring pro eager to join your first tournament, there’s a lot to gain from making sure you’ve got a well-maintained paddle. Regular cleaning and proper care won’t only help extend the life of your trusted table tennis paddle, but will also help improve your game.

Now, before you run your paddle under the tap and scrub away with your standard body soap, you might want to consider the fact that cleaning a ping pong paddle isn’t as straightforward as it might seem.

Want to find out how to clean a ping pong paddle like a pro? Find out with our ultimate guide.

Why Cleaning Your Paddle is Important

You would think that something like a ping pong paddle wouldn’t need as much TLC as other equipment used for outdoor sports. While it is true that maintenance and cleaning practices for outdoor sports equipment might be a little more intensive and rigorous, cleaning table tennis rubber is just as important if you want to guarantee a good game.

So, why exactly does a paddle need to stay clean? Consider these points.

1. Better Grip

The handle on your ping pong paddle is likely made from some anti-slip material that optimizes your grip. Fresh from the packaging, this handle can make it close to impossible to accidentally lose your grip even during the most intense of games.

With time though, sweat accumulation and dirt can dampen the anti-slip properties of the material. This results to an inefficient grip, and ultimately substandard performance. Keeping your paddle clean will help maintain this anti-slip factor, letting you play without having to worry about your paddle flying from your hands.

2. A Satisfying Stroke

The surface of your paddle’s blade is likely covered with some rubber material. This makes the ball extra bouncy, improving response every time you make a hit. While this works great to maximize the returns of each swing, the rubber can also attract a significant amount of dirt and dust.

Consider the fact that you might also transfer sweat and oil to your paddle, and it becomes easy to see how the surface might lose its responsiveness. So once all of that filth, sweat, and oil accumulates, the rubber on your paddle might become inefficient at returning the ball, being that bounce can be limited on a dirty paddle.

3. Extending Lifespan

A good ping pong paddle could set you back upwards of $50 USD. So you can see why each one might be something of an investment, especially if you’re hoping to join a tournament or two. See the most expensive ping pong paddles here.

If you don’t want to have to keep spending on a brand new racket every so often, it’s best that you put the right maintenance and cleaning practices in action in order to extend the life of your paddle.

Different Ways to Clean Your Paddle

Can you use traditional cleaning materials on a ping pong paddle, such as those that you might find in your home? In some cases, that might be possible. But there are specific table tennis racket cleaning kits you can purchase that are intended for use on paddles, which make much more suitable solutions if you’re looking to clean your paddle.

1. Store-Bought Spray

table tennis racket cleaning kit

The first solution you should look to if you want something that will help keep your racket in proper shape is a store-bought spray. Choices like the MightySpin Ping Pong Paddle Cleaner can be an excellent purchase. These cleaners are specifically formulated to improve your paddle’s performance, enhancing responsiveness to make each swing a winning hit.

2. Specialty Sponge

table tennis cleaning sponge

Specialty table tennis cleaning sponge products are developed specifically to clean ping pong paddles are also available on the market. These help clean away dirt, oil, sweat, and other contaminants that might dampen the way your paddle performs. With a texture that’s specially developed to work away dirt from a paddle’s surface, these reduce the chances of abrasive damage.

3. Water and Mild Soap

You can never go wrong with water and mild soap. Lots of table tennis players vouch by this simple yet effective cleaning method which brings a ping pong paddle back to pristine condition with little effort. Of course, it’s important to make sure you’re using the right soap – one that won’t leave a slippery sheen on your racket even after several rinses. It’s also ideal to pat dry your paddle and leave it in a clean, open space to eliminate the risk for water damage.

4. Alcohol

Can you clean your paddle with alcohol? The short answer is yes – as long as you make use of the right process. Alcohol can damage your paddle over time, causing certain textures to wear out especially if you apply too much rubbing friction. It also helps to make sure you air out your paddle after cleaning with alcohol to ensure that the entire racket has dried off properly.

Things to Avoid When Cleaning a Table Tennis Racket

If you’re wondering how to increase grip on a table tennis bat, there are a few things you need to avoid to prevent damaging your paddle. Make sure you avoid these practices when cleaning your racket to prevent damage to your trusty table tennis companion.

1. Friction

Using rough cleaning materials like scouring pads and textured cloths could wear away anti-slip materials on your paddle. Rubber that covers the blade can also become significantly worn with excessive friction as a result of friction, creating an uneven topography that could significantly affect your performance.

Always use light, gentle, unidirectional strokes when cleaning your racket, and try to use light, smooth, and soft cleaning materials to reduce the chance of friction damage.

2. Strong Chemicals

Cleaners like bleach might seem like effective ways to get rid of stains and dirt on your racket, but they can easily eat away at whatever material your paddle is made of. Another thing you need to keep in mind that aesthetic isn’t something you should really consider a priority, so stains and discoloration might have to stay. Your top goal should be to get rid of dirt and grime which dampens performance.

Avoid using strong chemicals that could corrode your ping pong paddle. Even if they don’t do harm right now, constant exposure to such materials could lead to damage in the long run, and may even make your paddle fragile later on.

3. Poor Drying Practices

Excited to take your freshly cleaned paddle out for a game? Before you think of pulling it out for a play, consider drying it completely in a cool, well-ventilated space. This is especially true if you used some form of liquid cleaner to wash away dirt and grime.

Remember that a ping pong paddle can sustain water damage, especially because most rackets are made from materials that are susceptible to mold. Keep your newly cleaned racket in an airy space that isn’t too warm to prevent water from seeping into crevices and causing damage later on.

4. Overlooking Tournament Guidelines

Did you know that certain tournaments prohibit the use of paddles that have been cleaned with spin cleaning solutions? These specially formulated cleaning agents leave a coating on your paddle’s rubber, making a ping pong ball ‘spin’ much more significantly when hit.

In most tournaments, this is considered cheating, and is prohibited by regulations. Make sure you read up on tournament guidelines before prepping your gear to avoid an untimely disqualification.

How Often Should Paddles Be Cleaned?

It helps to keep your paddle on a cleaning schedule to make sure it’s constantly getting the care it needs. As a general rule, you should clean it out at least once after every match. However, some experts recommend that you clean it depending on how often it’s used over a span of time.

For instance, if you use your paddle on a weekly basis, it might need more frequent cleaning. As the owner of your racket, you will know best when it needs some TLC. So if you’re noticing that it’s not quite as satisfying to swing around anymore, and if you’re seeing an accumulation of filth on its rubber and handle, you may want to give it a good ol’ wash down.

How to Clean A Ping Pong Paddle: Step By Step

When Cleaning with Store-Bought Spray

· Make sure to read the specific instructions indicated on the product packaging.

· Spray just the right amount of formula on one surface first.

· Using a clean cloth or sponge, work away dirt and grime to clean the rubber and the handle.

· Spray the other side and start working away dirt with the same sponge.

· Follow product instructions to find out whether a rinse is necessary.

· For foaming products, it might be necessary to run your paddle under a clean tap.

· Leave your paddle out to air dry to prevent water from settling into the material.

When Using Alcohol

· Apply small amounts of rubbing alcohol on your paddle.

· Using a clean sponge or microfiber cloth, gently wipe away dirt especially those in areas that have accumulated a substantial amount.

· Avoid applying too much pressure, or rubbing too excessively on the paddle’s rubber.

· Leave your racket to air dry before storage to prevent moisture damage.

When Cleaning with Water and Soap

· Run a clean tap and rinse your paddle.

· Apply mild soap (body soap or hand soap) on a clean sponge and gently work away dirt on your paddle’s rubber and handle.

· Avoid aggressive rubbing which could damage the material and work away the paddle’s textures.

· Work in small circles and try not to apply too much pressure.

· Keep cleaning away dirt until your racket starts to feel tacky to your touch.

· Rinse away all the soap and leave your paddle out to air dry.

When Cleaning with a Sponge

· Read the instructions that come with your sponge before use.

· Usually, sponges require some soap and water for effective cleaning.

· Follow the directions indicated on the sponge’s packaging.

· Air-dry your paddle after cleaning.


There’s a lot that goes into making sure you’ve got a well-maintained table tennis racket. But by making sure you follow these steps and practices on how to clean a ping pong paddle, you can extend the lifespan of your trusty racket, and even perhaps improve the way you perform all together.

So be sure to keep these tips in mind and put your paddle on a regular cleaning schedule. This way, you can step up your game and play alongside the pros with your pristine paddle.