How to Clean a Ping Pong Table (Step By Step Guide)

In many ways, winning a ping pong match depends on how well your equipment is maintained. Clean, properly kept paddles and tables can work in your favor to get that little ball where you need it to go. So whether it’s a racket that needs some TLC, or a dusty table that could use a thorough scrub down, it’s important that you spare some time to make sure it gets done the right way.

One of our previous articles discusses the ins and outs of cleaning a table tennis racket, so in this guide, we’re providing everything you need to know on how to clean a ping pong table the way the pros do.

So if you’re ready to breathe some new life into that tired, dusty piece of ping pong equipment, then keep on reading as we dish out all the details on cleaning a ping pong table.

Why Cleaning Your Table is Important

Just like any other piece of sports equipment, it’s important that you clean a ping pong table to ensure a problem-free match. A clean set-up will help promote an efficient play, and will make it much easier for participants to navigate the playing space with minimal distraction and difficulty.

A dirty ping pong table can cause some trouble because different contaminants like dirt, dust, and sweat can change the surface’s texture. Because this unique piece of equipment is designed to facilitate a specific bouncing response from the ping pong ball, a change in texture by way of dirt can alter the physics of the ball as it hits the table.

Another thing to consider is that a dirty table can be misunderstood. Special markings on a table designate where shots can and can’t fall. If a ping pong table has reached a point where dirt obstructs the players’ view of these markings, it can make them prone to errors in judgement.

Different Products You Will Need

There are lots of different materials you can use to clean a ping pong table. Choosing the right one depends on how you prefer to get the job done, as well as the specifications of your table.

1. Store-Bought Ping Pong Table Cleaner

butterfly table tennis cleaner

A ping pong table top cleaner is a specific formulation developed to restore your table back to its original texture. Products like the Butterfly Table Tennis Cleaner are popular choices in the market, thanks to its effective formulation that doesn’t damage the table or its markings.

2. Vinegar

Some experts vouch for the cleansing properties of vinegar for ping pong tables. A simple solution of 2/3 water and 1/3 vinegar can help remove dirt without damaging a ping pong table’s natural texture.

The reason why some people prefer vinegar over anything else is the fact that it’s natural, so while it does have the same potent cleaning power as chemicals, it doesn’t pose a threat to your table’s overall condition.

3. Warm Water

Considered the ultimate cleanser, a douse of warm water can be good enough to clean a ping pong table, especially if it’s not particularly dirty. Keep in mind though that allowing water – or any fluid for that matter – to saturate your table can change the surface’s texture. Make sure to work quick when cleaning a table with water and other fluids to avoid absorption and moisture damage.

4. Microfiber Cloth

ping pong table top cleaner

Microfiber cloth doesn’t leave behind lint and small fibers of fabric when used to clean a table tennis table. This can be particularly ideal because of the fact that the texture of a ping pong table can attract quite a lot of lint especially if you use the wrong cloth to wipe it down.

5. Sponge

Because it doesn’t leave behind any fiber or lint, a sponge can make a smart choice if you want to clean up a table tennis. Keep in mind though that you shouldn’t use a sponge that’s too soaked in a cleaning solution, as it might saturate the table’s surface.

There are lots of different specialty sponges on the market that are specifically designed for ping pong tables. These help improve texture after cleaning, and allow users to achieve a consistent feel throughout the surface to establish a level playing field.

What to Avoid When Cleaning Your Table

There are a few things you might want to avoid if you’re cleaning your table tennis table. By making sure you steer clear of these common mistakes, you can guarantee that your table won’t be damaged after you put it through maintenance.

1. Too Much Pressure

Those pesky stains can be pretty tough to remove, so you might find yourself exerting a little extra effort on certain spots to help clear out those unsightly discolored areas. But before you work your elbow grease, consider the fact that the delicate texture of a table tennis table can be worn away by abrasive rubbing and friction.

If you manage to rub too much on certain areas, your table’s texture might lose consistency, making it too shiny or smooth in patches. That said, it’s always best to work on your table with gentle motions and light pressure. In case stains still refuse to come out, consider changing your cleaning agent instead of applying more pressure with each rub.

2. Too Much Moisture

A table tennis table has a texture and feel that’s similar to a black board. This matte finish with minimal gloss is perfect for maintaining control when the ball makes impact, reducing the chances of the ball spinning every which way when you make that hit.

But with this matte finish, a ping pong table also becomes prone to moisture absorption. If it absorbs too much moisture, the texture and consistency of the table can be damaged, leading to warped wood and cracked paint that could make the playing field uneven.

As much as possible, try to avoid saturating the surface with any sort of moisture – whether cleaning agent or water. Pat dry with a clean, lint-free cloth and leave it out to dry for a few hours after cleaning.

3. Leaving Out the Net

Some people think that the table surface is the only part of the entire set-up that actually needs cleaning. But most experts will tell you that the net is another essential feature that needs regular maintenance.

A dusty, dirty net can make it easier for the table itself to become filthy over a short period of time. That’s because the make and design of a table tennis net simply makes it easier to collect dirt, which can easily cover a table and cause speed up the accumulation of dust.

A clean net won’t only prevent your table from getting dirty too soon, but will also be much tauter, providing a more stable demarcation line between two players.

How Often Should a Ping Pong Table Be Cleaned?

As a general rule, the more you use a ping pong table, the more it needs to be cleaned. But there are a few considerations. For instance, an indoor ping pong table might not be prone to as much dirt and dust as one that’s used outdoors. Storage also plays a factor as to how fast a table tennis table might become dirty.

To get a better understanding of when you should clean your table, consider inspecting it up close. If you notice that dirt, sweat, and dust have accumulated to a point where it might affect the way the ball acts on the table’s surface, it might be time for a thorough clean down.

Step by Step Guide

When using water:

  1. Stand the table on one side so that the surface is adjacent to the ground.
  2. Dampen a microfiber cloth in warm water and wring away the excess water.
  3. Spread open the cloth and work is gentle, linear motions across the table’s surface. You should see water marks on areas you’ve already passed the cloth over.
  4. Work on one half first, and move quickly so as to prevent water from being absorbed by the table.
  5. Have a dry cloth or dry paper towels in your other hand and pat dry the areas that have been cleaned.
  6. Avoid circular motions and rubbing as this can leave marks on the surface or affect the texture of the paint.
  7. Work on the other half of the table once the first half has been completely cleaned and wiped.
  8. Leave the table in its upright position to dry before storing or using. Make sure the moisture has completely dried up before use.
  9. Optional: You can add a small amount of vinegar to the water for added cleaning potency. As a general rule, you might want to mix 2/3 water with 1/3 vinegar to come up with a suitable cleaning solution.

When using store-bought cleanser:

  1. Always read the instructions before using any store-bought cleanser.
  2. For most products like the Joola Table Cleaner, a simple spray and wipe technique is recommended.
  3. Make sure to work in areas instead of spraying the entire table and then wiping everything down in order to limit moisture absorption.

Cleaning the net:

  1. Soak the net in a diluted solution of water and mild liquid soap or vinegar.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and hang to dry.
  3. Avoid scrubbing, stretching, or aggressive wringing to maintain the original condition of the net.


Make sure your table is in optimal condition when you play your game. To guarantee an even consistency and texture throughout your table’s surface, put it through regular maintenance and cleaning. If you’re not quite sure how to get started on the process of how to clean a ping pong table, keep our comprehensive guide at the ready so you can keep your table in tip-top shape with no hassle.